Funding and Transparency
When a new project or repeat project is ready for funding, then a proposal is prepared on a simple GDS funding proposal form. Details of the project together with all projected costs are required, and the proposal must be agreed by GDHEDS committee members in Gorkha.
The form is then sent via phone attachment to GDS in the UK and all Trustees will study and discuss, consider the level of impact, and request further information if required, and may offer support and suggest modifications. If approved in the UK then funds will be released for the project to be undertaken. Evidence is usually provided with photographs of sponsored children, materials purchased or training events as they take place. Where possible, volunteers will also witness transfer of equipment or take part in programmes, and are able to provide feedback and contribute suggestions for improvement.
Approximate costs of some of the projects are given below:
School Hygiene project
£300 provides fees and transport for the trainers to attend 10 training sessions on personal and community hygiene for a class in a selected rural school. Each child will receive soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and nail clippers for their personal hygiene, as well as cleaning equipment for the school.
Women’s Health programme
£250 will fund a specialist Hospital Doctor for a day’s informative presentation to the women of a rural village and will also provide snacks for up to 60 attending the programme. The snacks are seen as an incentive to encourage women to attend, and ensures relaxing time is available for discussion, sharing problems, and for all to gain an understanding of common ladies’ medical concerns.
Children’s education sponsorship
£30 will provide school books, uniform, and shoes, and cover any school fees for one child for a year. £60 will fund one-year tuition for classes 10-12 (A level equivalent) and £250 will pay one year’s tuition fees for a degree level student at the nearby Campus.
Teacher Training in Rural schools
£400 will fund trainer costs for 2-3 days, cover transport and accommodation in a rural area and provide snacks and materials for 35 teachers from nearby schools. Costs of the Teachers attending and the classroom facilities are met by the schools. It is hoped that training books costing £5.00 each will be supplied to each teacher in the future.
If you are interested in supporting a particular project, then please see fundraising or contact us for more details.