Saritas story
Sarita is another key member of our charity Committee in Nepal. A wonderful woman with incredible energy who is an excellent teacher at a government school and who also organises and undertakes the very successful hygiene programmes in schools which GDS funds. Our recent volunteers Olivia and Zoe took part in the classes and gave high acclaim to Saritas brilliant work. Sarita is also president of the womens group and manages homestay for volunteers as well as welcoming them into her home as she did me in November. Now, Sarita, as thousands like her, is living under plastic. Distraught, fearful and just clinging on with her young son and family.
This is Sarita email recently received. – Dear Linda, Namaste,We are safe but our buildings are destroyed even in kitchen. we are sitting under the tent. cooking also under the tent near our bathroom. out house not totally fall down it is very danger any time brick fell down. thank you,Your’s Sarita