Struggling to get education to the children
Can Nepal teach children in their homes if they have no radio, TV or internet? Massive challenges to help reach the poorest as covid still too high a risk for schools to return.
Children have now returned to school in the UK though they of course face changes and no doubt challenges, but in Nepal there is still no prospect of schools being able to resume. With Covid now in the wider community, risks remain high and the government therefore has to consider how to provide some education to all children and must first establish the limitations through a current survey. Teachers will contact each child to understand their access to learning materials. Do they have – no access to any media, access to radio, access to TV, access to offline internet material, access to online internet material. Though Nepal has gone through a rapid technological evolution in recent years, already it is clear that in the poorer government schools that GDS work with, the majority of families will have NO access to any radio, TV and internet, and with increasing loss of jobs this is likely to decline further.
We are linking with our committee members in Gorkha who include several working within education and will be here to help when called upon and will hope to support with funds when needed.